Process cooling

Keeping cool

Data centres, server halls and industrial processes share a common trait – the need to dispense with surplus heat. Our products deliver the cooling required. We cover the entire range: from completely dry cooling units and condensers, via adiabatic coolers and hybrid towers to wet towers.

Bild på datahall med processkyla. Våra öppna och slutna kyltorn, evaporativa kondensorer och drycoolers ger pålitlig och energieffektiv kylning för datacenterapplikationer.

Process cooling – cooling server halls and data centres

Server hall operators are required by their users to deliver stable, uninterrupted access to data services. One of the preconditions for this is access to reliable cooling of the equipment.

Our open and closed cooling towers from EVAPCO, evaporative condensers and dry coolers provide reliable, energy-efficient cooling for data centre applications.

Benefits of our cooling products

  • Minimal downtime
  • Guaranteed output
  • Low energy- and water consumption
  • Low noise level
  • Low maintenance requirements

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