Calculation questions

We’re here for you

AC Masterselection

Here you can find answers to questions about basic functions in our
calculation program AC MasterSelection.

Getting started

To register, go to the “Become a user” page – click here to go there.

No, it’s free of charge.

No, unfortunately not.

Check that your company registration number is correct and that there are no blank spaces before or after your password (this is sometimes a problem if you cut and paste from the registration email).Check that your company registration number is correct and that there are no blank spaces before or after your password (this is sometimes a problem if you cut and paste from the registration email).

As we enter your details manually in our system, we normally do so during office hours and this can take between 30 minutes and 8 hours.

Common calculation questions

  • Yeps! On the “Project processing” screen, simply check one or more coils and select price or offer checked.
  • Price will provide you with the unit price if you order the coils one at a time.
  • Offer checked takes into account all the coils you have checked and provides a price for if you order all the coils together as a consolidated delivery.
  • The prices you see are based on who you are and any discount agreements you may have with us.

If you want to run alternative calculations on a locked coil, check the box marked “max. calculation”.

But of course – no problem. Check the coil on the “Project processing” screen and then click “DXF – 3D”.

Certainly. Click “Description” and this will copy all data for the coil to the clipboard. You can then paste it in wherever you need it.

When the program calculates combi-coils, it uses the same flow in the heating drop as in the cooling drop. The fluid temperatures will therefore be the ones needed to handle the heating drop you have entered on the air side.

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