Technical questions


Here you can find the answers to frequently asked questions related to our products.

Connection side

Air direction

Image showing air direction and connection side of a battery.


Codes debunked

Good question – all our heat exchangers feature code combinations that explain exactly how your product is designed.

The codes provide a clear and detailed specification of the design. If you have questions later on, we have all the information you need.

For us (or you, yourself, using our calculation program) to run a calculation, we need information about:

  1. Connection dimensions
    In accordance with your wishes
  2. Air side
    • Air flow
    • Incoming air temperature
    • Outgoing air temperature or heating effect
  3. Fluid side
    Type of fluid
    • Incoming fluid temperature
    • Outgoing fluid temperature or fluid flow

Example of code

Example of a code for a type HW heating coil:

TYPE HW – G A – 1400 – 1000 – 3 – 20 – 12 – X – R6 – AB – AB

TYPE HW – HW heating coil

 G –Guide connection

A – Typ A = Open ends

1400 – 1400 mm = connection dimension, duct width, where the connection dimension is adapted to match the desired duct dimension

1000 – 1000 mm = connection dimension, height, where the connection dimension is adapted to match the desired duct dimension

3 – Number of rows of tubes

20 – Fin division x 10 mm

12 – Number of circuits

X – Connection side

R6 – Tube geometry

AB – Material specification

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